Averaged Fluid-Particle Flows
Key features in the fully-coupled unresolved CFD-DEM model, suitable for simulating and analysing larger scale multiphase processes
Three-phase flows
Three-phase modelling
Two-phase immiscible, incompressible fluid fully coupled with particles
Controllable fluid-fluid interface capturing with combined interface compression and diffuse interface techniques
[Video] Three-phase (gas-liquid-particles) fluidised bed
Complex moving geometry
Complex geometry modelled as additional solid phase
VP (Volume Penalisation) method with optimal permeability to model fluid-solid phase interaction
IFS (Immersed Free Surface) method to handle fluid-fluid interface inside the solid phase region
Synchronization with LIGGGHTS's mesh motion for moving wall/geometry
RANS turbulence model compatible with the VP method for turbulent flows
[Video] Gas-liquid-particles stir tank with complex geometry phase (rotating impeller)
Particle wetting
Particle behaviour at liquid surface
Surface tension and Laplace pressure at the fluid-fluid interface in particle bed
Particle wettability (fluid phicility/phobicity)
[Video] Hydrophilic vs hydrophobic particles on water (left: contact angle 30°, right: contact angle 150°)
System simplification, computational time reduction
Scaled-up particle model for two and three-phase flows
Particle size scaled-up to reduce number of particles for faster computation
All inter-particle and particle-fluid forces scaled accordingly to maintain system dynamics
[Video] Two-phase flow (gas-particles fluidised bed) with scaled-up particle model (left: original particles, right: scaled-up particles)
[Video] Three-phase flow (particle assembly falling into water) with scaled-up particle model (left: original particles, right: scaled-up particles)
Smooth volume averaging
DBCG (Diffusion based coarse graining) method for smooth averaging of particle quantities across CFD cells and stable computation
Particle solid fraction in fluidised bed: conventional PCM (Particle Centroid Method) vs DBCG averaging